When can I buy the remote control?


If anyone is interested, I am willing to sell mine, received it around a week ago, however kids are too little at the moment and want to play with the remote, don’t want it to get broken in a week. I am in Lithuania, can send to EU, open to offers.

Hi, I would buy the remote control. Is it still in new condition and how much would the shipping costs be?

Hi all. The remote has been sold.

the reservation confirmation Email was in my inbox at 22. July 2022.
And I did not receive any further Email relating to that topic…

I had the email in August 2022, seeing on this board folks from 2023 getting to buy. Wrote them and all they’d do is confirm I was on the list, ignored all questions relating to time/order of waitlist.

I’m selling my remote if anyone is interested. Located in the United States.

If it’s not already spoken for, I would be very interested.

It’s still available.

How much are you asking for it?

Sent you a PM.

Also interested if it doesn’t work out with @Tlw

It’s been sold.

This is strange as they say they will be shipping remotes on a first come, first serve basis. My reservation is from 03/23/23 but have not got any mail to purchase.

Would be interested to purchase one if somebodies is looking to sell

Holy crap,

Are you saying that it’s almost A YEAR WAIT, right now?

Surely not.

I understand them not wanting / having the resources to update everyone individually about their pre-order placement, but they should AT LEAST be able to put out a single tweet / blog post that says, “now servicing orders from March 2023”.

I joined the waitlist August 2022 and am still waiting…

Any updates from users still on the waiting list?

What country are you ordering from / shipping to?

@tiki | Germany | 2022 - July
@medmondson | Country Unknown | 2022 - August
@albator | Country Unknown | 2022 - September
@Boggan | Country Unknown | 2023 - March
@chansearrington | USA | 2023 - December

Nothing new, apart from the news a few weeks ago that no information about the waiting list was possible.
Cheers from Germany, tiki

From Marton on Discord:

We’re on it. In the next weeks we’ll figure something out how to calculate estimates and will send out emails to everyone who reserved.

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Hopefully the above should eventually resolve my question but can anyone advise if they got an email confirmation when they put themselves on the reserve list? I go a confirmation on the reserve screen on the website, but nothing by email so want to be sure I am definitely on the list. I only discovered this remote in January this year and added myself then, so sounds like I may have a long wait.