Unable to upload icons

Hi there,
I have several German TV icons and wanted to upload them to the remote, but after selecting the specific icon the browser just freezes.
Is this a browser problem (firefox) or something else? The dock is connected via LAN.



See this thread How to add custom icons

Does the icon meet the maximum sizes?

I also had this issue, when uploading an image that was to big and also when there was already an existing image with that name.

I guess an error message to tell you somthing went wrong is missing here.

The icons need to fit the exact requirements on the upload screen (I.e. 90x90 px and file no bigger than x kb).
The freezing of the web configurator if the requirements are not met has already been reported as a bug:

Hi all,
thanks for your replies. I finally could manage it.
I’m working on a Mac. What I did was add my existing icons to the “Vorschau” app, resized it to 90 x 90 Pix and saved it as .png.
jpeg didn’t work.
Now I’m stuck as I can’t find the right page to add these icons to the remote or an activity.


PS. excuse my bad english

See the post here: How to add custom icons

You will need to sign in to the remote. Then, hit Activities & Macros.

Then, select your activity (in my example, Watch Live TV)

Then, edit user interface

Then, make a button on the components tab using the Button with Icon option. Select your icon from the list.

Could manage it at last.
The point is: Under settings/resources there is a field called TV icons where I uploaded my png’s, but when choosing the Button icon field to add them to activities they didn’t show up.
I had to upload these icons to the normal icons page and from there they are available.


My apologies, Andreas - I misunderstood your post.

Yes, you are correct - apparently, the TV icons are not in use yet. I have seen it in another thread on the board. The plan is to implement that soon! But, for now, you can upload them to the regular icon section.