External community integration - Sony SDCP/PJLink Projector integration

I created an integration for Sony projectors that supports the SDCP/PJLink protocol. It’s still in a very early beta/alpha state but already works. It definitely needs some testing and maybe there are some testers that want to try it out: GitHub - kennymc-c/ucr2-integration-sonySDCP: Integration for Unfolded Circle Remote 2 to control Sony projectors that support the SDCP/PJLink protocol

I have a problem when I want to add the Sony integration to my home cinema activity:

Invalid entity_id 'uc.main.b32c5536-cd58-4e59-882b-090a130fadab' for command 'POWER_ON' in sequence. Available entities: [sonysdcp.main.sony-projector,uc.main.33524dcf-cff0-4783-acb7-062d3a2797a5,uc.main.67f50d16-718d-4da9-887b-8df3442a37e8]

If I create a new activity only with the projector it does not fail. I will test if it works this evening.

My home cinema activity contains Android TV and Denon integrations.

I have an Epson 7300 which also supports Pjlink. Pjlink also supports manufacturer and model perhaps you can also read these informations.


Sounds more like a problem with another (IR?) entity that is not in your activity anymore but a command from this device is still in your on sequence.

While PJLink itself is supported by many vendors this integrations is specific to Sony as they seem to offer more commands than there are in the official PJLink protocol documentation. According to the Sony docs SDCP is a Sony original protocol and builds on top of the PJLink protocol.

I recreated the activity again and no errors anymore. I will see if it works with my Epson. On the UC I really only need power on/off. If I have to change keystone or focus I rather take the original remote.


Unfortunately, I can no longer edit the start post: This integration just supports Sonys SDCP/PJ-Talk protocol but not PJlink which is used by other vendors and some Sony data projector. Despite the similar name the protocols are different and not interoperable.

I just released a version that includes an archive file that can be uploaded to the remote: Release v0.7.0 · kennymc-c/ucr2-integration-sonySDCP · GitHub