What IR does Activities use?

I can set up an IR remote and have the option to use the dock or the R2 to send IR signals, but under my Activities, it does not give me that option. For instance, I was able to setup up my Anthem AVM 60 once a member here helped me out with the Pronto remote codes. If I set up the Anthem to use the R2 as “IR Output Device”, then I can control the Anthem with the R2.

I have an Activity “Watch TV” which turns on my Nvidia Shield Pro , turns on my TV, and is supposed to turn on the Anthem. It does everything BUT turn on the Anthem. I have no clue what I’m doing wrong here. Thoughts?

Kevin T

Can you send a screenshot of your watch tv activity?

I was under the impression that using the IR blaster built into the remote 2 was still a feature in early beta. I would probably not recommend relying on it for your main activities yet.

What happens when you attempt to control it via the dock IR outputs? Also as Geoffito said - screenshots of your setup would be helpful.

@rss, i know this feature is listed as an early feature but it is so incredibly useful (e.g. I can use the remote for testing in two different rooms with an overlap of some but not all equipment, e.g. a panasonic plasma vs an LG OLED tv. I applaud it being an early feature making the dock placement more easily placed for convenience for recharging or for running seperate cabinet IR blasters.

After playing around with the R2, it appears that if I try to manual input too many IR codes / commands at a time, the R2 will have a brain fart and stop “working” even though it appears to be fine. Once I reboot the R2, everything appears to work. Maybe I was just trying to do too much at once?

Kevin T