Variable or tag

Hello! Is it planned to have some way to share variables bidirectionnally between the remote and OpenHAB or other automation integration, and have some trigger event / update mechanism?

Use case : my OpenHAB is adjusting Kodi audio / video settings depending on the activity (music, multichannel theater movie, plain TV). It maintains a virtual item to store current setting coniguration in Kodi (MUSIC / TV / THEATER).
I would like the YIO to be aware of that state and behave accordingly:

  • either by jumping to the activity or page when the state changes
  • or by handling kind of “conditional commands” in macros relying on these states
    The macro for the volume up key would be a sort of:
    if oh_item_activity.state==MUSIC then send_ir(music_amp_volume_up) elseif oh_item_activity.state==THEATER then send_ir(av_amp_volume_up)