Trouble Volume Control - Anthem Receiver

I’m having trouble controlling the volume in 1% increments on my Anthem receiver MRX-1140 using RC2 and Home Assistant on a RP5.

When I set up a TV | Movie | 5.1.4 Audio Activity, and edit the User Interface page, go to the volume. It defaults to 20% increments, I then edit to 1%, and it sticks to 1%. Yet when I use the Volume button the UC2, the Volume jumps in 20 increments. I using the Anthem Integration for Home Assistant (Anthem A/V Receivers - Home Assistant) which does not report a problem in this area.

Any ideas ?

If you’re using a receiver / processor Integration on Home Assistant, can you share UC2 your setup?

Have you tried to use separate volume up and down commands if they are available? Some HA entities don’t seem to support these commands [feature request] Support HA player entity volume control · Issue #322 · unfoldedcircle/feature-and-bug-tracker · GitHub

@kennymc.c Great call out - thanks. The integration does not have separate up and down available like say Apple TV. Maybe this is something I can request from the Integration owner. I have also asked for an update from Unfolded Circle given this feature request from a year ago.