Here are some specific questions I hope the more seasoned among you can answer:
The UC integration setup instructions tell you to go to Roon/Settings/Extensions and Enable UnFolder Circle Roon Integration, and even provide a picture of the window with an Enable button off to the right. Well, despite several reboots, versions, and reinstalls, I have never seen the Enable button. But, my MBPro does display the word “Connected” underneath the integration.
Since the integration performance is lacking, I ask, “does anyone else have a successful Roon setup created WITHOUT Enabling the app as per the instructions?” Said otherwise, has everybody but me seen an Enable button when installing the Roon integration?
A follow-up question: If you tried, how did you coax an ENABLE button out of Roon? Please know I have reinstalled the ROCK, updated to the latest versions etc. I have the Appgineer app (v1.1.2) installed, under which I have five other extensions installed. Is there reason to believe that Appgineer may be negatively affecting the Integration’s installation and/or performance?
Second follow-up: I have left the Khazul extension for Harmony installed but unused. Will that adversely impact the R2 Roon integration?
All of the above may be a non-issue, but I am trying to troubleshoot a system that isn’t performing. It doesn’t help that I’m a relative NOOB with this stuff. All help appreciated.