Question on Roon functions

I have been able to get Roon functionality up and running, can see the art of song playing, can pause, fwd and rwd (these skip to next song or previous song), is there a way to fwd/rwd within a song.

Any idea on when the Roon->Seek function will become available. Also what about turning Power On and Off.

As far as I know, there is no fwd/rwd funcionality. A workaround might be the following: create a new page in the activity with a 4x7 grid, add the media player and extend to 4x6. You should now be able to see a progress bar under the cover and if you tap on the bar you can skip back and forth in the song. It is quite fiddly and often takes multiple taps, but in principle it works.
Regarding, on power on/ off, what endpoint are you using? I can see „Switch on“ ans „Switch off“ commands for my Lyngdorf TDAI 1120.

I am using Lumin U2 mini as end point.
Thanks for the guidance on 4X6 grid. Will try that

when you see the cover in full screen, you can tap with your finger on the time bar at the bottom to go forward and back…

Best regards

Hi Stephan,

Thanks that works.

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