but the problem remains the same, when I have a long delay, like my 40’000ms, the remote gets stuck at this stage and doesn’t execute the following tasks.
difficult, Bragi it’s a projector so I don’t want to leave it on all the time. and I have to give it 2 commands:
1st: WOL to wake it up (this takes ~1:30)
2nd: to turn on the lamp
and Altitude is an audio processor, but in reality it’s a computer, so it’s time to turn it on (this takes ~1:00)
then I have to select the input I want to use
Hi Harvey,
leaving devices in standby is a very simple solution but to simple. Old devices, projectors and Android-/Fire-TV devices need some time in certain cases. I have a similar timing problem at the moment.
Do you actually need to set the input on the projector each time or does it ever change? I would assume you’re using the Trinnov for video switching, but perhaps I’m wrong?
My JVC projector is always musing input 1, so I never need to send an input command in an activity.
It’s not an old projector, on the contrary, it’s very high-range.
But it takes a long time to power up, and the second command I have to send isn’t to select the input, because that’s where it stays in memory, but it’s to give the command to switch on the lamp (the first command just gives the command to wake up the projector).
However, if I’ve understood correctly, there’s currently no way to use the remote2, so I’ll have to learn to use HA instead.
Does the Barco have IP control? If it does, and there’s a Home Assistant integration (or you can write one yourself), that could very well be a good solution.
For example…I have my Lumagen power on/off tied directly to the power status of my JVC projector in Home Assistant. 99% of the time I only need Lumagen to turn on and off. I do have the control to make adjustments on a page of the remote in my activities, but I rarely need it.
If you can have Home Assistant listen for a power status change on the Barco, and when it senses that power on, wait for 120 seconds and then send an IP command to turn on the lamp, that would solve the problem quite easily.
It looks as if this could be a framework to build upon in HA.