No Roon extension


I’m trying to use the Roon integration but i can not find the extension in Roon. I’ve restart Roon and Remote but no luck so far :frowning:

Hello some ideas to debug ? Nothing in the roon logs service.

I’m using a Asus XT12 router for the UCR2 and Roon server is Ethernet connected.

Have you tried to set the integration log priority to debug when you downloaded the logs?

Yes and only INFO in it. No obvious errors.
I can post the logs if needed.

For information, home assistant on a RPI3 and using the same network (ethernet not wifi) can deploy the extension and it is working without issue.

So it seems to be a issue with the driver/extension used in the UCR2 (does not seem toi be a network related issue, like firewall, at least).

Maybe something with a wifi parameter ?

I have the exact same issue with the Roon integration.
I have HA setup in Roon for some time now, and it shows on the extension page in Roon, but I cannot get the Unfolded extension to show?

2 hours later the extension ‘suddenly’ showed up.

Same thing for me, no the extension is available in roon

Hi I am also having the same issue with Roon extension not showing up in Roon Remote. It is running inside a docker container and the HA extension is authorized. However the Roon extension from Unfolded Circle never appeared! Also not even after a reboot of Roon Remote. I have waited a day hoping it will “appear” but unfortunately no ;-(

Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance!

After restarting the Remote Two the extension appeared in Roon and I can add the integration now :wink: So it is now resolved!

Same thing happened to me with both ROON and HomeAssistant. Not sure why things just ‘appear’, but hey… I’ll take it!