Modify Standby-Screen while in Dock

Hi, this request is for the standby-screen while in dock. I would like to modify the standby screen and time (always on, 5min, 1min, etc.). Also like the possibility to display some of the HA integrations, for example humidity and temperature.


+1 for Home assistant integrations!

I like that idea as well.

How did you get R2 to talk to HA. I have the HA Green and I have not been able to get the R2 to access anything from HA?

@gerryex you need to use the Home Assistant Integration found in the settings of the remote 2. Once you add the integration, your Home Assistant entities should be seen by the remote. There is also a Home Assistant Integration for the remore that shows the battery charge status and if it is charging or not. I believe it was through HACS under Folded Circle.


I tried that a gazillion times and I could never get it to work! Then someone here told me I have to install HACS (Home Assistant Community Store) on to HA and then pull in an Unfolded Circle repository and go through a whole rigmarole of steps to get the R2 to talk to the HA. It took several messages for help here and today I finally got the R2 to talk to HA. I don’t know if this HACS step was totally necessary but it got it working so I’m happy with it.