Losing connection to dock

I have problems to stay connected to the dock.
Everything works fine when connected but when losing the connection I have to restart everything.


Have you tried to change the dock url/IP in the dock settings to the real ip address instead of the .local domain?

Hi Kenny,

Do you mean a fixed IP adres in the web configurator dock settings?


Yes, exactly

Oke I did this and stil loose connection.
Now I use a wired connection to the dock and see if this wil help.


How do you know that you are losing the connection to the dock? Is it missing from the list of connected devices in your router?

The dock is not required for configuring the remote. It is just a charging cradle with IR LEDs.

Because my remote tels me when I push a button.
And when I take a look at the dock in the remote it keeps reconnecting.


I had the same problem. I found the usb cable was not making a good connection. I used a different power supply and usb cable and the problem went away.

Hi, are there any official news to this topic. Its quite anoying that the remote looses its connection to the dock a few times per months. Like this its not usable as a family remote.

When I connect a network cable to the dock the problem did stop.

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This is not a solution for everyone.
Where I have to position the Dock to get decent IR blast, there is no ability to have an ethernet cable.