Launch date Remote 3

Hello, what is the approximate release date for Remote 3? My apologies, I know it was mentioned as being pushed but I can’t find the topic via searching.

Originally, the team planned to start shipping by the end of 2024. However, they have encountered some issues that will cause a delay of 1 month or more. Additionally, there are software roadmap adjustments and bug fixes that need to be addressed.

That update is only visible to backers only.

Kind of leaves the rest of us out of the loop. I am waiting for the new dock and IR blaster as an original R2 backer.

If it’s any consolations, the IR blaster and Dock are not the bottlenecks and are expected to be finished and in 4-6 weeks from November 1st. The issue is around packaging error by the manufacture for the remote, the team is looking for work arounds, but don’t have an estimated ship date yet, maybe for the next update in December.

Thanks for the info.

It would be better if I didn’t have to be consoled and the updates were visible to everyone. Why do they have to be hidden from general view?

As I said on Discord - honesty and openness is the best policy.

Just in time to be put on hold until after the holidays…