Jump Function supported?

Is there away to jump back to a page, activity, home?

Since stateless is not supported (I hope “not yet” supported, a work around is an off macro, after which I would like to jump to home. Help?

Agree with this too …

I think the ability to setup a soft button on the screen to go back to one of the home screens would be very useful. I have set my R2 up in a similar way to my Harmony with two home screens, one for activities and one for devices.

If inside an activity, I could setup two soft buttons to go to either activities or devices, that would free up the physical home button to be used for the activity. I know that you can use the Home button now, but this would make it more friendly.

I’m looking at this to make the remote family friendly and an easier transition from the Harmony. I understand that the R2 will ultimately be much more powerful than the Harmony and will allow new ways to interact, but this ability would help in transition. Also, being able to jump to other pages opens up lots of options.

@rudolpht did you look to see if this is on the ideas list?

@davoque thanks for the reply. I did not see this on the software roadmap and can only find a ideas list on integrations. This one and a couple other suggestions seem almost too intuitive, scattered theough various threads, but did not see them in this subforum which I’m hoping the developers refer to for future inclusion. If there is a seperate list used for this purpose, I can certainly use that in the future.

@rudolpht I’m new to this forum, so no expert.

I think this is the place to formally place feature requests: GitHub - unfoldedcircle/feature-and-bug-tracker: Feature and bug tracker repository for Unfolded Circle products

There is also the sub forum in this community called Feature Requests.