Is the Roadmap on track?

If it is, can we expect these features implemented tomorrow, as that is the end of June?

Pair as Bluetooth HID keyboard / mouse to devices
Upload custom integrations to the remote
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I hope so :thinking:

With this company’s track record, doubtful.
Theyre too busy working on Remote Five.


News just in…

Marton — Today at 16:48

An update on Bluetooth: We have been testing the Bluetooth functionality and were about to release the public beta, when we have discovered a weird behaviour with deep sleep. We’re working hard to track this down, but it’s not a straight forward one as it does not show up on all the remotes we have tested. This will delay the public release a bit as we don’t want to push out something that we know breaking a working functionality.

Update on integration upload: The first version of this feature will be aimed at developers and only will be available via the API. There are many fantastic integrations written by the community (thank you all for that), however these have not yet been tested on the remote. In the first step, we won’t add a UI control to this feature as we’d like to ask all the developers to test their integrations on the device and give us feedback. Once we know, that the integrations are working without issues or excess power consumption, we’ll add a user friendly frontend, so everyone will be able to upload 3rd party integrations easily. Due to the BT issue we are currently tracking down, the release will be delayed for about a week, depending on progress. We’ll publish the integration requirements and upload archive format as soon as possible.

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This kind of communication will keep you in good graces with your user base.

Thank you.

Its poor communication - I mean, where on this site was that information published?

I copied it from a post from Marton on Discord.


It’s in the corresponding GitHub issues and the development Discord channel. Specially GitHub is always a good source to look for more detailed infos about upcoming releases and features.

Its another example of this company’s poor customer service - multiple sites (here, Discord and Github) all giving little bits of information, rather than sharing across all the sites. I would understand if this was a remote that had basic “dumb” functionality as well as a high degree of sophistication and necessary programming and some owners didnt need to be across all the sites, but this remote never came with a manual of any kind, help from the founders and on top of that I have to be on multiple sites JUST to find out what’s going on.

Anyway, I digress, lets hope you get what you want and you dont have to sign up to the dark web just to ask the developers a question about something that was promised and inscribed on the Voyager probes.

Lmao I see what you did there, nice.

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I agree with all you said. I just wanted to express my appreciation for information.

My journey with R2 has been hellish. But, I see a light at the end of my long, long tunnel.

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Understand the extended bluetooth timeline. If the first iteration does not include more than bluetooth keyboard and mouse, would vote (not that votes count) to prioritize integrations without external computers and containers required. Harmony hub on the device fills a significant gap, including IR shortfalls.

As it’s now July, they should probably update the roadmap…

Today’s news:

Marton — Today at 10:17

Bluetooth update: After over a week of digging we’ve found the issue with deep sleep! The fix will take another day or two, then we can finally release it as beta.

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