In the GIT you can add a bug and the author will answer.
In the GIT you can add a bug and the author will answer.
If you look the the available integrations (link at the start of this thread) there is already Kodi. It is not perfect yet but it is there.
R2/R3 will share 99% the same code so what is wrong with this decission? They want to produce more Remotes so why not react on the demands of the current users?
I think you did not bake the Neeo.
If I’m understanding the scenario correctly there are 2 wake on lan options for Home Assistant. The RPC Shutdown add on and the one below. RPC Shutdown only works on windows but the one below works on any OS.
This below works for sleep and to shut the PC on/off and if you have some programs running and only put it into sleep then it should work… if you completely shutdown the HTPC then you would need to launch them using windows schedular to run batch files or open programs on boot that need to be opened. Depending on your HTPC it would take a few seconds longer to boot completely though. Just a thought.
I couldn’t agree more. This remote is beautiful and they should be spending every moment on integrations and nothing more. Without 1000’s of integrations it is nothing more than a sexy paperweight, unless you are willing to spend all your free time programming. Remote 3; please…Remote 2 is already almost perfect.