Is Home Assistant essential for Remote 2 /3

Hi i am currently waiting for delivery of the Remote 3 i do have a Home Assistant set up but was considering getting rid of it as its not really used to its full potential
I currently use Harmony which Remote 3 will replace and would rather set that up in the same way i did Harmony ie devices activities etc
My set up maily evolves around an LG tv Anthem AVM 70 and philps hue lights and plugs for turning my Rel subs on and off don’t like leaving them in standby
Any pointers suggestions in advance would be much appreciated

There’s a site that lists most devices/integrations that Remote Two and 3 support: Supported devices. Additional integrations may be listed in the community projects channel on the Discord Chat.
Your LG TV can be controlled via IR, Bluetooth or IP using the custom integration.
Theres also a Hue integration but it’s very basic and doesn’t support scenes.
For Anthem you may need to use Ir if you don’t want to run HA. As the internal ir database is very limited you can also import codes from external databases like using some tutorials you‘ll find in this forum.
For the plugs it depends on which protocol they are using. If they have an open rest http api you could use the http request custom integration.

If you already have home assistant, I would suggest you keep it until the Remote 3 arrives and you can set it up.

Home assistant is definitely not essential depending on your setup, but for my Remote 2 I use it quite a bit to make the actions more reliable. E.g IP turn on/turn off triggers from HA rather than using the IR since the Remote 2 had quite weak IR blasters. Also I have some lighting that is triggered through HA as they’re connected to a smart plug.

Hopefully I can move back to IR once the Remote 3 arrives, but I’ll probably still use HA for the lighting.

Hi thank you for that but as i only use Harmony to control everthing at the moment i guess that is using IR to control say switch on LG TV enable HDMI 7 (arc) on anthem avm 70 job done now watching Tv
as for the films part Harmony is programmed to turn on TV and Anthem on HDMI 1 which is connected to an HTPC which i control from a wireless keyboard all very simple
The only thing it sounds is going to be a problem it also turns on the Philips Hue Lights but at a say 60% dimmed for say watching Tv

Thank you for the info have book marked it for future use