Option to invert button functionality on the main screen. Found in Settings/User interface. Short press can open the control screen instead of toggling the power state of the entity.
Philips Hue integration: “Invalid JSON message: invalid type: boolean true” errors which lead to timeouts and disconnects (#97).
Tapping the activity icon will no longer toggle it’s state to avoid accidental stopping of activities.
Activities still can be turned off by pressing the Power button on the main screen or inside the activity control screen.
Release 1.4.1
Breaking changes
Web-configurator: media-player input source & sound mode dropdown selection in activity sequences is fixed and selected item is persisted (#39, #104). This requires to reconfigure or even remove & re-add existing select_source and select_sound_mode commands in sequences, UI components and button mappings.
Improve entity command retry and abort for non-temporary errors.
Turning an activity off shows the on-sequence commands in the UI.
Only simple IR commands use IR repeat when mapped to a physical button. IR sequences do not support repeat.
Increased activity entity & sequence step limits from 50 to 100 (#124).
Stricter validation of media-player commands. Missing or invalid entity command parameters are no longer accepted.
UI: profile list reloaded upon entering profile list menu.