Dock Connection Issues

I’ve been working with UC Support and they have requested for the remote and dock to be returned. I’ll continue to use my Harmony Elite whilst it’s away.

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I’ve factory reset my Dock due to connection issues and now I cannot get my Activities to run after I set up the “new” dock. When I run the activities it is still looking for the “old” dock - says “IR Emitter not found”. Any solution on how to tell it to use the “new” dock? It’s the same IP

Try looking under Remotes in the Web Configurator, you can select the dock for IR for each remote.

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Thanks for the reply. I actually ended up having to re-add the IR Device and on the Web Configurator if gave the option for which Dock. I’m back in business now.

My remote is being shipped back from Denmark, they were unable to find any problem. I’m not sure what to do with the dock connection issue now. Strange the remote worked all the time I’ve had it then started playing up in the later part of last year.

Same problem for me. Unusable at this state.
The dock always need to reconnect, and it take 2 or 3 minutes.
I don’t call this a “remote”.

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