Are activity groups broken in latest 2 betas?

After the last update, my activity groups are failing… when i try to switch between activities i get “no data found”.

Is this known? Anyone else running into this? Or have i just done something stupid?

my groups are OK. I got “no data found” if one of the used integrations was not available. Check the integration if all are still available.


No issues here.

What I would do:

  1. Reboot remote
  2. Check integrations especially if updated integrations are used (Denon, HA, i believe?) you may need to run setup once on those

I did try rebooting a few times, but i hadn’t yet gone through resetting ha.

I also noticed that the ir remotes i had setup arent showing as ir anymore. The startup sequence on both activities uses a custom ir code from one of them.

I’ll need to go rebuild those remote codes when i getva chance… (my son and his friends have taken over the theater for movie night. )

The it remotes not showing up when using the ir filter and can’t be edited are bugs in 2.2.2 ([bug] Beta 2.2.2 IR Remote page · Issue #426 · unfoldedcircle/feature-and-bug-tracker · GitHub). As explained in the ticket you can change the word entity to remote in the url.

core simulator or real remote? Funny it works for me.


Real remote.

So far, no luck. I’ve rerun the ha setup, and tried reducing the number of activities in the group to 2.

Either one will work perfectly from off, but if i try to switch activities i get the no data error.

For me it works too with 2.2.2 but according to Markus it only affects certain data constellations.

@Spinningbull Have you checked the debug logs? Usually they should show you which entities are missing.

I got it working.

It seems as if the offending entities were custom ir codes. When i recreated the remote and replaced then in the startup sequence, everything works.

AppleTV Integration still not possible - will this remote ever be usable, I doubt it.

Is the integration shown as connected? Have you recently updated tvOS? There have been reports that Apple changed the advertised Mac Address with tvOS 18 and therefore the entity id has changed. In this case you need to rerun the integration setup, but don’t need to change anything else in your activities.

The Airplay password of the AppleTV box must be 6 characters long, but R2 only allows 4 - so no integration is possible.