A Tale of Infrared Transmission Reliability: My Thoughts, Solution, and a Suggestion

Yes, precisely. Unfolded dock has two IR outs.

IR Out 1 → Unfolded IR emitter to handle the blu-ray player.
IR Out 2 → 3.5mm TRRS cable → Ensigear IR repeater → 3.5mm TRRS cable → Marantz AVR.

I did test and this all would have worked perfectly if I had positioned the Ensigear IR repeater “eye” in front of the unfolded dock. But, I wanted to avoid the possibility of creating a feedback loop where having IR emitters and receivers in such close proximity could cause a situation where a command is both boosted and again picked up by the Ensigear system through reflections.

Low risk, admittedly, but I since I found a solution that prevents it entirely, I figured I’d share.